Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yttrandefriheten är hotad i Belgien.

Ett Europeiskt parti som smutskastats i svensk media och i utlandsmedia är Belgiens Vlaams Belang. De är kritiska mot massinvandring ungefär som Sverigedemokraterna. Debatten om invandring, integrering , segregation och alla tillhörande frågor är sluten, begränsad och ofri. 

Denna film måste ses av alla svenskar. I Belgien används exakt samma metoder som extremisterna i Sverige använder mot SD. 

Medial tystnadsplikt och hemliga avtal om att tysta oppositionen.
Etablerade partier samverkar i hemlighet med varann om debattstopp och utfrysning av oppositionen.  
Demonstrationer stoppas och slås ner.  
Betalda annonser av partiet stoppas och får inte förekomma. 
VRT, det offentliga TV bolaget beordrade alla statliga journalister att inte ta med partiet i varken nyheter eller debatter. 

Men det som ar uppmuntrande ar att VLAAMS TROTS ALLT MASSIVT MOTSTAND NU HAR 20 % AV ROSTERNA. dn


Ray said...

Hello dear Swedish Friends,

Many thanks for showing the video from Vlaams Belang (Flanders' Interest).

It's only rather recent that we learned about the problems in your country. Not from the classical media of course, as they only know the politically correct lies. Thanks to internet and Youtube I already showed some videos produced by Swedish producers at my blogs and

The problems caused by islamisation of Europe and the arrogancy of some muslims at our continent are everywhere the same. We need to get united in order to survive and to maintain our Western civilisation. Tolerance is ok but if it reduces us to victims, than we'll have to put it away for a while.

I've mentioned at my blog your address so I hope some of our Flemish friends will vsit your blog.

Kind regards and keep up the good work !

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

The irony of the whole situation, Ray, is that for all the centuries and many wars that has layed Europe in ruins, especially the last two world wars and thus divided the different european populations. Now the enemy comes from inside rather from an external source as before, and the enemy although consisting of various national origins all have one thing in common - islam. So I believe the natives in the various european countries will unite this time, since we all share a common enemy, the islamists who wants to destroy and then transform our continent into shariastates.

Mila said...

Please save Europe!!!

It is our motherland.

Spread this all over.

Extreme warning! Islam in action.
But at this point we have to show its real face.

or click HEREClick on "most viewed" videos and you'll see what we mean.

We take their videos that they use for celebration and upload them on our site. Youtube bans them all, so please feel free to spread it around.

And please save Europe!